3 Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Boom Lift

Boom lifts are essential equipment when working at height. Whether working on a construction, painting, or cleaning projects, boom lifts are vital and ensure jobs are done professionally and safely. However, for the successful execution of a project, you need to use the right boom lift. This guide provides essential aspects to consider when selecting a boom lift.

1. Electric or Diesel Powered

It is important to consider the nature of a working environment to ensure the safety of workers. If you are working inside a building, electric aerial lifts are ideal since they do not emit exhausts that are likely to affect the health of workers. However, suppose that a project is being undertaken on open ground. In this case, you can go for boom lifts that are powered by internal combustion such as diesel without exposing employers to harm. Notably, machines that run on gasoline or propane are faster than electric boom lifts and do not need constant recharging. Consequently, gasoline-powered lifts are ideal for most aerial works.

2. Telescopic vs. Knuckle Boom Lifts

Although the application of a boom lift might appear straightforward, the elevation has a significant bearing on the type of machine to deploy. Telescopic boom lifts have a broad scope and reach since they can hit heights of up to 150 feet, which is standard for most structures. The devices are used in outdoor settings and are flexible since they can be maneuvered to place workers in the right position. Knuckle boom lifts are another variant with articulating joints that can be extended accordingly. Notably, knuckle boom lifts are suitable for indoor environments since the equipment can be folded to fit into complex positions.

3. The Terrain

The terrain on which a boom lift is placed has a significant effect on operations. Before deploying an aerial boom lift, consider the operational ground to ensure safety and efficiency are achieved. In areas with rough terrain, wheeled boom lifts are ideal since they can achieve the desired stability using auxiliary add-ons. For example, outdoor scissor lifts have support components to bolster the machine while working on slopes. Indoor working areas are usually flat and need smaller equipment, which can manoeuvre obstacles and fit into constrained spaces. On this score, electric scissor lifts are the ideal since they are flexible and usually small in size. Pneumatic boom lifts are ideal for working on water since they can be pressurised to provide the required buoyancy.
